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🕹 TypeScript Cheats: Property 'id' does not exist on type '{}'.

May 17th, 2020 · 1 min read
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash



1const isValidObject = (myObject as ValidObject).id !== undefined;

Or, better, define a type guard:

1function isValidObject(myObject: ValidObject | {}): myObject is ValidObject {
2 return (myObject as ValidObject).id !== undefined;

I’m publishing this tip mainly because it’s the third time I run into this problem, and the third time I get lost on the internet trying to understand what it is I’m doing wrong. I hope next time I search for this, this post will come up! Read on if you want a better understandind of what the cheat-sheet code above does and where it comes from:

When writing regular JavaScript we are used to a certain degree of flexibility when it comes to objects. Take the following example:

1// Imaginary call to an API that returns the venue with ID 1,
2// or an empty object if there is no venue with that ID
3const venue = getVenue(1);
5// Let's check if a venue was found by verifying the existence of the `id` property
6const weHaveVenue = venue.id !== undefined;
8if (weHaveVenue) {
9 // do something
10} else {
11 // do something else...

Pretty straightforward, right?

Well, the moment we use TypeScript, things don’t work so smoothly anymore. Have a look a this implementation:

1// Let's define the type of our imaginary API function first
2type GetVenue = (
3 id: number
4) => { id: number; name: string; location: string } | {};
6// And then write a sample (and NOT real world production code) implementation
7// faking an API call that might or might not find (and return) a venue
8const getVenue: GetVenue = function(id) {
9 const state = id < 10 ? 200 : 404;
11 return state === 200
12 ? {
13 id,
14 name: "Meetings Central",
15 location: "North Pole",
16 }
17 : {};
20const venue = getVenue(1);
22const weHaveVenue = venue.id !== undefined; // ❌ Property 'id' does not exist on type '{}'.
24if (weHaveVenue) {
25 // do something
26} else {
27 // do something else...

I know what you are thinking: “Wait, I know that. That’s exactly why I’m checking on the id!“. But TypeScript needs a little more holding hands:

1// Let's define two more types since we will have to reuse them in our code
2type Venue = { id: number; name: string; location: string };
3type NoVenue = {};
5type GetVenue = (id: number) => Venue | NoVenue;
7const getVenue: GetVenue = function(id) {
8 const state = id < 10 ? 200 : 404;
10 return state === 200
11 ? {
12 id,
13 name: "Meetings Central",
14 location: "North Pole",
15 }
16 : {};
19const venue = getVenue(1);
21// By casting our `venue` to a `Venue` type, and then checking on the `id` property,
22// we are basically telling TypeScript: "trust us, at runtime we're gonna be fine"
23const weHaveVenue = (venue as Venue).id !== undefined; // ✅
25if (weHaveVenue) {
26 // do something
27} else {
28 // do something else...

Hurrah 🙌

This may (and will) work well in several, simple cases. But what if further down we also want to use that venue object? Let’s say we need an upper-cased version of the venue name, and add one line of code to our if/else statement:

3if (weHaveVenue) {
4 // do something with our venue object
5 const upperName = venue.name.toUpperCase(); // ❌ Property 'name' does not exist on type 'NoVenue'.
6} else {
7 // do something else...

Whoops 😕. Back at square one.

In this case we need to move our check in a custom type guard, which is fancy wording “a function that checks a type”. Check out the full code:

1type Venue = { id: number; name: string; location: string };
2type NoVenue = {};
3type GetVenue = (id: number) => Venue | NoVenue;
5// We move our id check into a function whose return type is "value is Type"
6function isVenue(venue: Venue | NoVenue): venue is Venue {
7 return (venue as Venue).id !== undefined;
10const getVenue: GetVenue = function(id) {
11 const state = id < 10 ? 200 : 404;
13 return state === 200
14 ? {
15 id,
16 name: "Meetings Central",
17 location: "North Pole",
18 }
19 : {};
22const venue = getVenue(1);
24// We can now call our type guard to be sure we are dealing with one type, and not the other
25if (isVenue(venue)) {
26 // do something with our venue object
27 const upperName = venue.name.toUpperCase(); // ✅
28} else {
29 // do something else...

To paraphrase the official TypeScript documentation:

Any time isVenue is called with some variable, TypeScript will narrow that variable to that specific type if the original type is compatible.

This brief excursion should’ve clarified a feature of TypeScript that may leave someone coming from JavaScript perplexed. At least, it troubled me a few times! I’d love to hear your comments: let’s be friends on Twitter (@mjsarfatti, DMs are open) and on dev.to.

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